I’m going to keep this short and sweet by simply sharing a short practice to calm the mind for when life gets a bit stressful.
-Take a moment to focus on your breathing
-Begin to deepen and slow the in and out breaths
-Breathe in deeply and think of the letter B
-Breathe out deeply and think of the letter R
-Breathe in deeper, letter E
-Breathe out deeper, letter A
-Breathe in deeper, letter T
-Breathe out deeper, letter H
-Breathe in your deepest breath yet, letter E
-And lastly, breathe out fully, thinking (or speaking) the word BREATHE
-Return to your natural way of breathing
-Notice any effects, feelings, or sensations
-Repeat if you like
I feel very grateful that our bodies are equipped with a mechanism (breathing!) that is hugely beneficial to our health and can be used for free, anywhere and anytime!
Enjoy the practice!